Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Beast Quest

Beast Quest
Adam Blade

Recommended age: as from 6 years old.

This series of books is a sure winner for adventurous readers. If you are on a quest for action packed stories, huge monsters, evil sorcerers and heroes, then search no more.

Rodrigo V.P. (7 years old)"I am reading the Beast Quest collection, it´s so cool! In the first book, Ferno, a boy called Tom fights against mysterious monsters to protect the Kingdom of Avantia. In order to do so, he needs to get some magic powers from the monsters. My favourite part is when he confronted a man-horse, what a fight! I am interested in these books because they are very interesting and I feel curious to read on. They are a bit scary but you won´t get nightmares. And you get a card for a collection with each book. I encourage all children to read them!!"

Pablo L.C. (11 years old): "This is a great series of books, action packed, and with magic and different characters in each story, like Silver, a wolf who is more of a puppy... As you read into the serie you´ll find that the books are more scary, and more evil and good guys join in, for example an even more evil sorcerer and a mysterious warrior woman".

Jaime L.C. (11 years old)"This series of mythic adventures is very cool. The main characters are two friends, Elena and Tom. I would recommend them to young readers who are into fights with weapons such as swords and bows and arrows".

These books are quite short, they have a large print and some illustrations, all of which makes the reading very easy. But they also come with a warning: they are addictive!! Luckly there are more than 60 titles in the collection...would that be enough for the winter?

Daniel L.C. (11 years old): "I read the whole series of Beast Quest when I was younger. In fact, it was my favourite series, and the best part is that there is always a new title waiting for you, so you can read them until you get exhausted!"

An idea for the younger readers

Even if you already read by yourself, it is sometimes fun to start a book with your mum, or dad, or older sibling. That will also give you the chance discuss the story, which makes it much more interesting. They could start off the book by reading the first chapters, or even, you could take turns to read aloud. With their help you will finish the book in the blink of an eye!

Related activities.

Click here to join the  Beast Quest club, you´ll find all the information about the books and games!

Did you know...?

Adam Blade, the very young author of Beast Quest was born in Kent, as was Miss McHaggis. This county is South of London and its countyside is so beautiful that it is known as "The garden of England".

Thanks to our new team member:

Rodrigo V.P. who is 7 years old and lives in Madrid with his younger brother. His hobbies are skiing and reading fantasy books.

Check out our Facebook page, La biblioteca de Miss McHaggis


  1. Yo no he leido el libro todavía pero teniendo en cuenta los comentarios de Pablo, Jaime y Daniel estoy seguro de que os dará muchas horas de entretenimiento!

  2. Me ha gustado mucho vuestro nuevo blog. Seguid así!

  3. Una gran idea chicos, les felicitamos desde USA y les seguimos desde Facebook. Nuestra amiga Carmen de la Rosa nos ha presentado este vuestro blog. Si podemos ayudar en algo, aqui estamos. Saludos

  4. Que buena idea,que interesante iniciativa ,me gusta y los seguiré. Siempre se puede disfrutar como un niño.

  5. Ferno, el dragon de fuego. Parece mi trabajo. Muy bueno!!!!

  6. No me he leido el libro pero suena muy bien

  7. ¡¡IMPRESIONANTE!! Mirad: vamos a hacer una blbioteca con los libros que vosotros sugeris y nos informais. En cada uno de ellos guardaremos vuestros comentarios para que ellos puedan seguir toda la información. Creo que cuando sean mayorcitos Angeles y Juanjo van a estar contentísimos. Sois unos informadores de PRIMERA CLASE. El caso es que a mí me apetece un montón leer los libros después de leer vuestros comentarios. GRACIAS POR SER TAN LINDOS.
